United Way is the leading charitable institution in Sevier County. When you give to United Way you know your dollars are going to help support critical programs that help improve the lives of Sevier Countians.
Accountability – is built into the way United Way is structured. Each United Way is locally owned and governed. One of the main goals of our volunteer Board of Directors is to assist with important decision making and oversee and support the director in running a successful United Way in our Community.
Community Impact/Allocation Committee Team is another group of volunteers from the community that have the important responsibility of looking at each agency that applies for funding by conducting on-site visitations and interviews and reviewing funding applications in order to determine where your dollars are best spent. In this way, many critical programs can be made available to those who need them the most.
Your gift helps All Walks of Life. When you give to United Way, you are giving the gift of helping everyone, not just one group of people.